Your body is an instrument.
Your work is a turning fork.
The Spring Cohort Begins Soon!
So many changes are happening on the planet, which is why we need more people on the ground floor- channeling energy for Earth.
Healers, amplifying healing frequencies~
Visionaries, grounding visions for humanity~
Prophets stewarding the cosmic soul's story~
Attunement is an energetic upgrade. It is for those who are-
A CONDUIT FOR YOUR COMMUNITY: Attunement will strengthen your channel to teach, guide, be of service, and facilitate a healthy exchange of value and collective resource.
A CREATOR OR HEALING ARTS PRACTITIONER: Attunement will support you in sustaining, protecting, and amplifying your intuition to read energy and translate messages from the body.
A LEADER OF SOME KIND: Attunement will help you activate the innate soul powers hidden with you, so that being in your frequency-becomes the energy that grows a revolution.
An offering to the Mountain of Reiki
Reiki first came into my life when I was looking for a miracle.
I was weak, I needed to get strong.
I was sick, I needed to get healthy.
My soul was lost, I needed to be found.
Reiki came to me again when I ventured out of corporate health care and opened my very own healing practice- what is now known as my business Wellness Weaver.
Reiki always shows up right when you really need it.
Reiki empowers you to follow your dreams, but it ALSO (and this is an important also) strengthens your energy- so that you can actually get there.
The lineage of Usui Reiki was handed down to me in a time of great change. I now hand it down to you as we walk through another.

The Facts:
1. You Can Re-Create Your Reality
By Growing Your Ability to Weave Energy:
"Clean up your own yard first," someone once said. Imagine what the external landscape will look like when you have the energy and resources to make clear and intentional moves.
Energy Medicine supports your Auric field, which strengthens your ability to serve your gifts, exchange energy with other people (like clients), and grounds your spiritual abilities with protection and boundaries. This is a bottom up, inside out- approach to transforming your world.
2. Your Life Can Feel REALLY good.
Especially if you weave healing frequencies into your day to day business:
Infusing energy practices like this will make subtle but noticeable and profound shifts that seem to naturally emerge from within. From here- the way you make money begins to change, your home life improves or transforms in some way; things around you just generally start to feel more intuitive and balanced.
Energy Medicine Creates Boundaries - it not only supports your body to sustain spiritual experiences, but it also shows you where you can ground even more of your gifts into community resource and personal practices that just feel good for all.
3. You Can Be Nourished, Fulfilled, And Supported Too
With a daily practice that serves the greater good:
Lean into energy work as if you're tapping a wellspring of infinite resource. There is a never ending supply. It is a power center that will never go down. And the plug for it is the literal living connection that can only be found inside of you.
Energy Medicine is the Business - it is the thing that stabilizes all that you are and all that you do. Your health, your money, and your lifestyle depend on it.

Who is This For?
Intuitive Healers, Spiritual Creatives, Pioneers and Explorers of the Unseen Terrain. This training is for those who are connecting to their unique medicine and offering your work to the future of Earth.
-Those desiring to integrate energy medicine into your creations, services, or business.
*learn to weave healing energy codes into your practice and attract clients and collaborators that are attuned to the magical dimensions you serve
-Those craving a connection to spirituality, who want to activate their healing abilities and desire to ground a practice that helps humanity.
* Look beyond skillset and tools, and cultivate an empowered relationship to energy; learning and working with the Reiki- yourself.
What is the timeline?
The Spring Cohort Begins Soon

Attunement Guide: Eliana Miranda
Energy Medicine Technician
If you are meant to work with energy, it will call to you. It will always show up in your visions. It will circle around your life until you're ready to acknowledge and start weaving with it.
I facilitate the modalities I am teaching you in Attunement, because this is my offering to the medicine that has given me SO much over the years.
The first time I ever had an energetic healing was when I was just a little girl with a belly ache, and my sister- in- law held her hands over me and meditated until I felt better. That healing changed my life because it planted a seed that later helped me get off all medications for auto immune diseases.
Over the years I've seen many practitioners, but there is nothing quite like learning this practice for yourself. And on another level- it's an even greater initiation to channel this practice as a service to others.
I have studied in Usui Reiki, Lightwork, Pranic and Earth Energy technology.
These modalities once helped me heal my body. Repair from depression and diseases. Get off prescription pills.
Now they help me facilitate a healing business that not only supports my clients and students, but also fills my own resources back up in the process.
This training is a gift that keeps on giving. Become a channel for life source energy- and steward streams of money, medicine, and magic.
This is why I created Attunement.
Learn More About Eliana Here

By the end of this experience, you will:
Have your Own Energetic Apothecary:
** Gather a brand new tool kit of spiritual offerings that will greatly serve your community
** Develop rituals that help you and others feel even better, that nourish the body, and serve the soul
Gain Energetic Capacity to:
**Show up to your life feeling energized and capable of making changes
**Be seen in your gifts and wizardry, and feel confident having eyes on your work and your practice
Open New Channels of Support:
** You will be able to share this medicine with others, and weave it in to your existing offerings
** By creating boundaries of energetic separation you will take up more space and feel more like yourself every day.
Time- Place- Location
What do I need to join?
What are the expectations?
Is there a payment plan?
What you will receive:
1. A practice that will help you feel better, move more intentionally, and align with a path you trust.
2. Personal guidance and coaching (using your Human Design & Astrology Chart) on creating a soul aligned spiritual business.
3. A modality that you can use in your own healing work, and also as a powerful offering to serve and share with people through your business.
4. Powerful psychic boundaries that make your downloads very clear, easy to apply, and grounded.
5. A template to steward energy medicine and Reiki into the world as a part of your spiritual mission.
In your Reiki I Attunement- you will learn to channel the energy and Reiki symbols that apply to your own self healing and practice.
In Reiki II- you will receive the Attunement that allows you to share Reiki with others in your business, healing offerings, as a service to others.
Testimonials from students:
"I understand for the first time; how to do magic in Business, how to make it something that Gd wants- rather then a trial and error game of my ego, and how I can devote myself to my creations instead of carrying this aversion against "business“ or "offerings."
"This gave me soooo much energy. It activated my sacral generator center so I could get to work on my business and kick ass at it."
"I was truly taken by how immediately held and seen I felt in the container, and with this offering. It is all starting to come together for me in a beautiful, intricately woven web of inherent connection."
"This is work is such a wonderful resource for us Projectors!!!! It gives us courage and hope- and It feels so good in my soul to have someone who understands."
Eliana is a master at creating spaces where insights drop so clearly and where you get to receive messages from your spiritual guides that are eye opening and reaffirming.