
The Human Design Magical Mystery Tour

Channel the Spirit of Human Design into your Personal, Playful, and Professional Growth

Take the Tour

"The answer is within yourself. It cannot be anyplace else. There is no one on earth who knows what is right for your body, only you do."
~Ra Uru Hu

The Mystery Tour-

A mystical adventure to profound insight and personal alchemy
A portal to deeper understanding of your multidimensional self, your purpose, and the interconnectedness of all
A journey to not just witness the codes, but become a channel for its teachings


empowered, awakened, and aligned with the cosmic forces within and without

Transcendental Touring 

Become the architect of your reality as you dissolve the boundaries between the seen and unseen. This isn't just about studying Human Design, it's about alchemizing its essence into your every day existence. Through immersive practicums, you'll transmute knowledge into visceral experiences; feeling the ebb and flow of human design in the tapestry of your magical life. 

This mystery tour is a vehicle into the transcendental teachings of your energy, your breath, and your environment. Receive the transmissions, draw your chart, recognize your role in the sacred story of humanity. Come out the other side with an upgrade of spiritual proportion.

Mystery Tour

When your personal exploration of Human Design; transcends textbooks and classrooms you become a living, breathing experiment that elevates all life.

Decode the hidden potential living within you. Feel the energy in your body, engage in powerful rituals, magic practices, and scavenger hunts to illuminate your spiritual path and awaken your gifts and potential. 

Tour Highlights

Learn the Art of Reading a Chart

Decode the energetic language of Human Design so you know exactly what you are reading, seeing, and transcribing when unveiling the chart secrets for yourself and others.

Energy Types Download

Each type in HD has a unique design, a unique energy body (aura), and a unique gift to contribute to this world. Experience the power of the Manifestor, Projector, Generator, Manifesting Generator, & Reflector.


Magic Key Codes of the HD Chart

Ritualize your relationship with this experiment as an act of sacred rebellion. Human Design is a living breathing system that is ready to commune with you in a new way.

Breathwork & Journeying

 Why just learn about the HD system, when you could become an embodied practitioner of the spirit of this design? Meet each type through breath, visit each environment through meditation.

Experience the Magic:


Energy readers, reiki practitioners, breath alchemists, lightworkers; rejoice in this living system;

From intellectual understanding to embodied creativity; turn the chart into an alter for your prayers, energy work, divinations, oracular readings, and spiritual understanding

Journey to different environmental energy recalibrators. Feel the peace of a cold Mountain lake. Hear the hustle bustle of a Saturday Market. Sit along the edge of an ocean Shore, walk with the wanderers in the Valley, cook it up in a Kitchen, nook into the treasures of a Cave. 

Replenish your 9 centers with lightwork, download intuitive insight from each of the 7 authorities, divine your archetypal story through a mystical interpretation of the personality lines. 


From Mastery to Mystery;

A tour for your mystical inner child.

A tour to catalyze your spiritual business.

A tour to rebuild relations with your multidimensional soul.

This offering is for spiritual seekers, guides, and system nerds who are;


🧙🏼‍♀️ Hungry for esoteric knowledge, pursuing universal truths, and decoding earth's mysteries
💎 Weaving cosmic wisdom into your personal and professional practice 
🧚 Uncloaking your true nature, attuning to your authentic energy, and bringing your soul online 
🧹 Exploring Human Design, and other astrological studies, from a non dogmatic approach
🍄 Listening to your guides, and trusting your intuition to be divinely directed to offerings like this
Magical Mystery Tour


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