Projector Medicine 

Servin' the tea for your Projector energy. Journey into the magic of your Projector Medicine.


Projector Focus Groups

Practical Rest Experiments

Projector Community Collaboration



Projector; you are designed to be smart about energy. This is your channel for guidance. This is your gift. Your resourced, restored, focused aura IS your offering to others. This is what magnetizes your invitations. Projector Medicine will have you feeling WELL, capacitated, and ready to serve your magic!


Focus Groups -

Projector centered coaching, guidance, and magic practice. See and be seen; focused attuned Projector attention. 

These groups were recorded live in 2024; hear from other Projectors, connect to their stories, understand how we are all in this together. 

Rest Magic -

Subtle body energy work, journeys to commune with earth energy. Gentle Movement and Meditation. REST.

Feel your body, the power of your sacral, and the gifts of amplification from a restored, rested and tended to physical and energy body. 

Community Integration

In the focus group we pour the codes, in integration we create more space to receive the messages there. 

An exploration and deepening into the Projector experience; energy attunement, and collaborative exchange with other Projectors.


Your energy is like a magnet, drawing people, experiences, and commitments to you. But Projectors are the most conditioned type because of our aura's ability to see into people so deeply. 


When you are exhausted, depleted, bitter, and feeling multidimensionally unwell? It is likely because your magical, magnetic aura is cloaked up by conditioning and doing. 
Projector Medicine is an opportunity for you to remember what it feels like to BE. To be yourself. To be your wisdom. To be your truest energetic emanation.

Sign Up


  • 3 Projector Focus Groups
  • 2 Community Rest & Integration Circles 
  • 2 Restorative Magic Practices
  • Projector Community Group Field Work 

Projector Medicine is truly a magical and unique experience that may not happen again live. So JOIN US. Come feel what a Projector group energy field; feels like. Unplug from the buzz of generations of generating. Explore the dream seeds of weaving together in masterful, mysterious- glorified REST. 

Projector- your well, healthy, resourced energy is the mystical key that unlocks the door to your authentic success.


Your gifts are waiting for the right invitations. 


Your inviters are waiting for you to refresh, replenish, and resource your energy. 


Your future self is waiting for your attuned, psychic, well rested focus- to weave the seeds of your dreams.