A psychedelic series to conjure spiritual energy.

Amplify Your Relationship and Communications with MAGIC

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Ready to trip on your own spiritual supply?


You are one heck of a psychedelic dose. The way you be in this world- is leading humanity into new dimensions of living. As a leader for now future: you are trippin' on a very different energy than the rest of the collective.

You are attuned to a world that doesn't exist yet.. A world that is slowly but surely taking form.

It's perfectly natural that you don't want to work in the same way as those before you, live how many have been living in society, or achieve success within old paradigm templates.

Find Your Own Way

Amplify is a psychedelic set and setting for you to have a spiritual trip that will inspire and serve your life's purpose.



Receive the codes that help you decondition from external programming,


Tune into your intuitive nature, and tap into the psychic, psychedelic phenomenon of your energy.


Simplify, play and develop a daily pattern recognition to attune to the natural world and receive earth's support.


CLASS ONE- Welcoming Spiritual Consciousness 

Why are you here? What is the directive? Understand the importance of fortifying your vessel, growing your intuitive energy, and becoming a clear channel for the future of life.

CLASS TWO- Receiving Guidance

Connect with three valuable earth guides who want to be with you in your exploration of consciousness. Breath into their teachings. Free the anima within your body: both wings, paws, and sacred petals. 

CLASS THREE- The Vitality of Relationships

Learn the value of facilitating your own experience, going on your own trip, and playing with the realm of spirit in a very real and practical (magic) way.

CLASS FOUR- The Projector/Generator Trip

Learn through the lens of Human Design. Get to know shared archetypes in the collective story.

CLASS FIVE - Being A Good Leader 

The source of your power comes from the future you are guiding life into now. Stay clear and lucid in your relationships with the unseen.

Class Six- Meeting The Vision Halfway

Learn about the energetics of the Projector style of manifestation (helpful for all types), and how our relational field feeds the vision. 


Do you want to know why higher dimensional souls have strict instructions, delegations, and directives from spirit to stay in integrity with the coming future?

Or why the Projector focus can actually be a detriment rather than a super power? 

Or why Generator's openness sometimes veil them from seeing the individual behind the energy? 

Are you ready to get on your own trip? Fine tune the signature of your aura? Intuitively flow through life knowing you are walking towards your visions and manifestations in a good way?

AMPLIFY your relationship the subtle, magical, and spiritual.  


I'm a 2/4 Classic Projector; designed to guide leaders. I'm a writer, a teacher, and a channeler of psychic wisdom. I'm a multidimensional being- just like you. 

I'm a nature spirit, and a couch potato. I'm a visionary, and a tv lover. I'm a spiritual person, and I'm also deeply human. 

You can't put me in a box of labels, and I won't put you in one either. That's why Amplify is a journey of discovering your true nature within life's labyrinth.

"Eliana is a very gifted healer and facilitator–her magic is palpable. She provides a container that feels safe and grounded while being connected straight to source. The wisdom, energy, and intuition she shares is truly an offering to help us collectively create new paradigms starting from within."

Generator Feedback

"Eliana has a gift for seeing people at a soul level, sharing insights that are in line with in the moment life experiences, and sharing guidance that is soul reassuring."

Projector Feedback

"I feel so inspired and enlivened just by listening. It was just the medicine I needed."

Projector Feedback

"It's so healing to be witnessed, guided, and led by a non sacral being. Nothing to do, no one to save, nothing to fix. I felt so refreshed, restored, and rejuvenated."

Projector Feedback

"This experience inspires me to be more in touch, in tune, and grounded in the higher understanding of what is going on."

Generator Feedback



Have you ever felt like you were destined for something big in your life? Something that felt poetic, and prophetic, and divinely purposed for this moment in earth's history?

If so, then Amplify was not only created for you, but some part of your spirit actually helped to create this transmission with me. 

Once you attune to this frequency- your reality will begin to transform. You will hear yourself more clearly. You will know yourself more subtly. You will feel yourself, and your purpose in the world- so much more profoundly. Once you've amplified your energy there is no returning to the conditioning that kept you small. 


Is your energy responding? Did your guides send you this invitation? Join the revolution:



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